one thing's for certain
i think we could all use some moments in the day, hours in the week, an extra week in the month and an extra month in the year. it never fails. sleep isn't always on my side, mostly because i am motivated at night and excited to start my days in the am, but lately i've been scrambling to find time to sit down, leaving me...shocker! tired. i've also been dreaming a lot about what i want my life to look like. it's a challenge, i would say, for me to sit still in the moments.
also, newsflash! this blogging thing (what, 4 posts in :)) pushes your limits, challenges your emotions and makes me a little anxious, i think in a good way. i'm just checking in and excited for the months to come pouring over recipes, new products for sale, tabletop rentals that i'm quickly acquiring and a little bit of life's challenges sprinkled in because i'm along for the ride just like everyone else. my point: i'm not going anywhere.